Henri, Denis, Pierre & Vincent,
in Noyers-sur-Serein, Burgundy.
Above all, cuisine and wine are a combination of regional specialities, high standards, knowledge and creativity.
14 place de l'hôtel de ville, 89310 Noyers-sur-Serein - France
On the A6 Motorway, follow Auxerre
Exit Nitry
Follow the D49 to Noyers (10km)
Route on : www.viamichelin.fr
TGV (high speed train) to Montbard Station
(30 km from Noyers)
TRAIN (regional train) to Tonnerre station
(20 km from Noyers)
SNCF : www.oui.sncf
Monsieur Eric Landrier :
89310 Noyers sur Serein
Tél : +33 (0)6 81 06 69 78
Monsieur Dardenne :
89310 Soulangy
Tél : +33 (0)3 86 82 65 28
Maison Paillot, 14 place de l'hôtel de ville, 89310 Noyers-sur-Serein. France.
+33 (0)3 86 82 82 16